Our's Coomissioners



President Commissioner

Leong Seng Keat

Leong Seng Keat


Kukuh Komandoko

Kukuh Komandoko

Independent Commissioner


President Commissioner

Indonesian citizen, appointed as a President Commissioner based on The decision of shareholders outside the meeting on July 22th, 2011, the results of which was covered by deed no. 40 dated 22 July 2011 of M. Nova Faisal, S.H., M.Kn., and is one of BBR’s founders. Mr. Latip mainly serves to conduct surveillance against a business development strategy and provide direction about enterprise risk management. In addition to serving as President Commissioner of BBR, he also serves as Director of the Marco Polo Marine Pte. Ltd. (MPM), Singapore, since 2006. Graduated from the Chung Hwa, Indonesia, in 1968.



Malaysian citizen, appointed as a Commissioner based on deed No. 21 of Notary Antonius Wahono Prawirodidjo, S.H, on December 10th, 2014. Currently he is serves as Executive Director at several companies within the Nam Cheong Limited Group. In addition, he is also a Director of Dominion Energy Sdn Bhd. He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering from the Chisholm Institute of Technology in 1990. He is also a member of ABS Southeast Asia Regional Committee since 2008 and a member of the Singapore Institute of Directors starting in 2011.



Indonesian citizen, 46 years old. Appointed as an Independent Commissioner based on the decision of extraordinary general shareholders meeting dated August 26, 2021, as per notarial deed no. 179/I/AWP/VIII/2021 dated August 26, 2021, prepared by Notary Antonius Wahono Prawirodirdjo. He has a Bachelor and Master of Law from the Faculty of Law, Univesity of Indonesia. Apart from being a member of the Company’s Audit Committee, he is also an Advocate and Founding Partner at Hadiwidjojo Mukhtar Ardibrata (HWMA Law Firm) and Lecturer at Indonesia Jentera School of Law. Previously he worked as a Consultant in Support For Economic Analysis Development in Indonesia (SEADI), Expert at the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC), Government Guarantee Program Unit of Ministry of Finance (UP3) Republic of Indonesia, and  Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA).