Blood Donation CSR Activities

🌟Blood Donation CSR Activities of PT Pelayaran Nasional Bina Buana Raya🌟

PT Pelayaran Nasional Bina Buana Raya shows its deep concern for public health by organizing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program that focuses on blood donation activities.  With the theme “Be a Hero, Donate Blood”, the Company in collaboration with the Batavia building management team and PMI Jakarta has successfully held a blood donation event which was held on Friday, 17 May 2024. This program was attended by 150 donors and was successful in collecting a total of 118 bags of blood. All BBRM employees who participated in donating blood have actively contributed in conveying their concern for health and each other.

Before donating blood, donors will be examined first to ensure their health is in good condition and it is safe to donate blood. The examination includes checking body weight, medical history and blood pressure. Blood donation not only helps the donor recipient, but also provides benefits to the donor. Blood donation is a noble and beneficial act for others.

BBRM with its concern will continue to carry out social responsibility (CSR) activities that are useful for the future and hopes to continue to increase awareness of Health, Society, the Environment and Culture to Build Indonesia Together.