Corporate Social Responsibility in 2022

on March 1, 2023

The company has been actively carrying out social responsibility program activities (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR) as part of realizing corporate social awareness and participation. The area chosen by the company is “Karang Bongkok Island”. Activities carried out are related to marine ecosystems as a form of Company responsibility for operational activities that are directly related to waters which must be preserved. The company carried out two activities that had been previously observed by the company.

First Activity

The company planted 250 baby corals in 25 rockliving media. This is done by the Company because coral reefs have vital benefits for the life of marine biota. The benefits of coral reefs are as a habitat and a source of food for various types of living things in the sea, where many living things occupy, find food and breed. That is the reason why coral reefs are ecosystems that support life. In 2022, the Company participates in the preservation of coral reefs by planting baby corals on
Karang Bongkok island. The company will periodically check the growth/development of the planted baby corals.


Second Activity

The second activity carried out by the Company was the planting of 500 mangrove trees. This activity was also carried out on the island of Karang Bongkok. This activity is carried out as part of mangrove forest conservation. Mangrove forests are useful as protectors of coastal areas and habitats for various kinds of life, apart from that
mangrove forests have the ability to absorb carbon where one mangrove tree can give up 308 kg (0.3 tons) of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The company
participates in planting mangrove trees so that it helps prevent climate change due to the use of fossil fuels. With the existence of mangrove forests, more carbon dioxide is absorbed so as to prevent climate change. The Company will periodically check the growth/development of the mangrove trees that have been planted.